Productions and services
The company TROJICE spol. s r.o. provides really a wide range of products and services, beginning from the custom metal manufacturing over CNC – processing of metal sheets up to the assembly of e.g. steel structures.
Although we deal first of all with custom metal manufacturing, CNC – processing of metal sheets and steel constructions we are also able to ensure for your order a varied assortment of metal plates and metal profiles at favourable prices. For a long time we have been cooperating with established dealers providing metallurgical material, which could mean for you saving time and money.
Taking into account the extensiveness of our portfolio in the field of custom metal manufacturing and production of steel constructions we recommend to you to contact someone of our skilled employees. In this way you can get knowledge of all necessary information. For illustration we show here some of the realised projects.
CNC processing of metal plates
One of the most important spheres of custom metal processing in our company is CNC – processing of metal sheets. In this section we provide a maximal comfort for all our customers.
For manufacturing we are using modern CNC machines for processing of metal sheets. These machines, together with complex and multi-purpose arrangement of machine pool, make it possible to perform completely the product in your demand.
In the sphere of CNC – processing of metal plates – cutting and punching/perforating we provide:
CNC cutting of metal sheets:
- Cutting of commercial steel up to the thickness of 13 mm
- Cutting of stainless steel plates
CNC perforating of metal sheets:
- Perforating of metal sheets from commercial steel up to the thickness of 12 mm (exceptionally 15 mm)
- Perforating of stainless steel plates up to the thickness of 5 mm (exceptionally also up to 10 mm)
- Perforating of special, non-conventional materials (e.g. copper, plastics, sandwiches)
- A wide range of perforated apertures (various shapes, extruded and so on)
Other operations of CNC – metal plates processing:
- Folding and bending of sheets up to the thickness of 12 mm, max. length 4000 mm
- Rolling metal plates up to the thickness of 20 mm, max. length 3000 mm
- Cutting out of shaped parts from metal plates
- Manufacturing of shaped parts and components from metal plates
Standard types of perforated sheets and terminologie
Specific region within the scope of CNC metal sheet processing are perforated metal sheets. Here you can see standard types of sheet perforating and terminology.
Standard types of sheet metal performing: using these a few types of perforated sheet metal we want to show you something for illustration. Our company disposes of a much greater spectrum of geometrical apertures, having the possibility of their adjusting and lay out, and in case of need also extruding them.
In case of your interest in sheet metal perforating will you please contact a skilled worker of our company to submit to you individual offer.
Custom metal manufacturing
We elaborate every commission with only one aim, namely to satisfy maximally our customer. In custom metal manufacturing/processing we insist on complex syntax of individual productive activities. It is thanks to great number of skilled locksmiths, metal machinists, welders and other staff, that we can realize the production of finished products, exactly according the wish of our consumer.
Offer of custom metal manufacturing/processing:
- Metal tooling, locksmithery
- Manufacturing of spare parts for technological equipments for treatment and sorting of mineral resources
- Production and assembly of steel constructions, transport and pipeline systems
- Production of spare parts and technological components
- Welding TIG, MIG/MAG, MMA
- Manual plasma cutting
- Custom manufacturing of parts, components or complex equipments according to drawing documentation
- Production of conical shifting
- Production of parts for steel prefab tanks, silos and reservoirs
- Production of steel constructions and weldments to the weight of 5 tons
- Perforating of steel profiles
- Rolling of steel profiles
- Chip machining
- Material separation
Scope of our activities
As you already know the most important scope of activities in our company is classical CNC processing of sheet metal, custom metal manufacturing/processing and production of steel constructions. Nevertheless the range of our activities is much more extensive. It belongs hereto:
- Repairs and upkeep of technological equipments designed for treatment and sorting of mineral resources
- Production of technological parts and spare parts for above mentioned equipment
- CNC processing of steel plates from construction and stainless steel, from non-ferrous metals, eventually from other materials (plastics, sandwiches and so on)
- Manufacturing and renewal of classifying screens, screen coatings and sorting machines for plants where treatment and sorting of mineral resources and secondary commodities take place
- Repairs and upkeep of steel design for conveyor belts
- Production of parts for air conditioning pipelines
As already mentioned preliminary, company TROJICE has been acting for already long term as an significant production and supply company in the field of technology for CNC processing of sheet metal and for custom metal manufacturing in many industry branches, producing for these branches all sorts of products, such as:
- Steel elements and sheet metal parts intended for further proceeding
- Sieves for grinding and sorting of coal, aggregate and other mineralogical materials
- Sieves for grinding and sorting of secondary materials (plastics, rubber etc.)
- Sieves for sorting, separating and filtration equipment in chemical and food-processing industry
- Steel structural elements and constructions
- Perforated sheet metal designed for building architecture and for interiors
- Equipment for production of building materials (cement- and brickworks)
- Sieves for sorting of agricultural products (e.g. for grinder)
It will be pleasure for us to help you too to become our satisfied customer.